Friday, March 7, 2008

Well, folks, this is all new to me. I mean, I've been around the blog circuit and I've read (and liked) what some of you have had to say. That's not to say I particulary enjoyed each blog I've read, but you certainly can't please all of the people all of the time, now can you? I'm assuming that by now, you've read my little "bio" and more than likely have already generated your own opinion of me just by that little snipit of information. If you're still reading, then apparently your either A) bored to bits or B) a little interested.
I'm not certain as to why I picked today to try my hand at blogging. I've thought about it often, but I'm usually working 40-50 hours weekly. But, thanks to having to work my day job last weekend and being salary, therefore not getting a dime for overtime. I needed a comp time day. I couldn't have picked a better day. It's been raining since I awoke and looks like there's no end in sight. Therefore, here I am.I guess for the first blog, I should just expand on my reasons for being here in the first place. I am dirt broke! I searched that new site, "Blingo" trying to win money......nothing! So then I typed in "making money online without spending a dime." I pulled up a little of everything. And I read them all. I just don't understand them all. Then an "" site about internet blogging caught my attention. I read it over thoroughly, checked out all the links, and decided..."What the heck!" The thing I like to do most might just possibly lead to a few dollars. Hey, who knows? Right? I mean, isn't that what each of you thought in the beginning too? Or am I the only naive one? That poses my question: Just how many of you actually are being reimbursed for your online "thoughts?" A response would be appreciated, since I really don't have a lot of free time to waste jotting down random thoughts. But, hey, if it's going to eventually put bread in the box and milk in the fridge....I might consider it! I think I have some pretty good random thoughts that might interest people.

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